Sherrod Brown

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Last updated September 5th, 2024 12:06am GMT.

Important Dates

Voter Registration Deadline October 7, 2024
Early In-Person Voting Begins October 8, 2024
Absentee Voting by Mail October 8, 2024
AB Request Deadline October 29, 2024
AB Deadline Return Close of polls on November 5, 2024
AB Deadline Return via USPS Postmarked November 4, 2024

Received November 9, 2024


Ohio voters need to know that Sherrod Brown supported a commission that proposed raising the retirement age to 69, cutting cost of living increases for Social Security, and slashing retirement benefits for the middle-class by up to 35. (Learn More)


Ohioans should also know that Sherrod Brown supported a corporate merger that could cause mass layoffs for union workers, cause the price of everyday goods to skyrocket, and kill family-owned stores and businesses. (Learn More)


Voters should be aware that Sherrod Brown supports an extreme plan that could force rural hospitals, like the 78 in Ohio, to close their doors. Brown’s plan threatens the health, jobs, and income of Ohio’s hardworking families in rural areas. (Learn More)


Ohio’s families need to learn how Sherrod Brown supported the use of an inhumane drug on shelter dogs, despite veterinarians refusing to use it. He also voted for legislation that would have put Ohioans in jail for up to 30 days for failing to prevent their dogs from barking. (Learn More)


Finally, Ohioans should be reminded that Sherrod Brown praised a terror-supporting group whose leader said he was happy to see Hamas’s terrorist attack against Israel. (Learn More)

Hit #1: Sherrod Brown admits he’s “spoken positively” of Simpson-Bowles.


Hit #1: Sherrod Brown says Simpson-Bowles and “all the serious people” want to raise the retirement age.


Hit #1: Sherrod Brown says “people who wear suits all day… people like me” raise the retirement age.


Hit #2: Sherrod Brown claims big corporations are responsible for high grocery bills.


Hit #2: Sherrod Brown blames “mega-corporations” for passing higher costs on to consumers.


Hit #2: Sherrod Brown fights for companies.


Hit #3: Sherrod Brown wants Medicare For All.


Hit #3: Sherrod Brown doesn't oppose Medicare For All.


Hit #3: Sherrod Brown admits he's trying to get to Medicare For All.


Hit #3: Sherrod Brown boasts of writing “the first public option bill.”


Hit #4: Sherrod Brown campaigns with his barking dog.


Hit #4: Sherrod Brown petting a dog.


Hit #4: Sherrod Brown touts government “protecting peoples’ pets.”


Hit #5: Sherrod Brown praises Council on American-Islamic Relations.


Hit #5: Sherrod Brown claims “love is present” at CAIR banquet.


Hit #5: Sherrod Brown says he doesn’t trust Netanyahu to honor a ceasefire with Hamas.


Bernie Moreno

Footage of Bernie Moreno

Bernie was born in Bogota, Colombia. At age five, his American dream began when he moved to the United States with his family. Bernie became an American citizen at age 18.

Bernie purchased his first car dealership in 2005 by investing every cent he had, and then some, and never looked back. Through his relentless work ethic and untamable entrepreneurial spirit, he turned that one dealership into one of the largest dealership groups in America.

More recently, in 2016, Bernie recognized the value and transformational potential of blockchain technology, before it received mainstream attention, and moved much of his volunteer time and investment dollars into the space. In 2018 he co-founded ChampTitles, which eliminates the need for States to issue paper titles. The company has grown to be quite successful as Bernie served as Chairman of the Board.  He recently sold his entire stake in the company and is no longer Board Chair.

After a long, successful career, Bernie sold most of his business to begin focusing on his calling: protecting the American dream for another generation. He saw the government calling some people essential and other hardworking Ohioans “unessential.” He saw schools shut down and China go unpunished for unleashing a virus on the world. He saw politicians afraid to take on the CCP for stealing our jobs and technology; buying our farmland; and influencing young minds via TikTok and Confucius Institutes.

Solving our country’s problems requires common sense. In Washington, Bernie will fight to shrink government, protect our freedoms, stop the Chinese Communist Party from taking our data and land, and always put America First.

Ohioans are done with politicians who talk a big game and do nothing. Bernie wants to go to D.C. to get work done – just like he always has.

Bernie lives in Westlake, Ohio, with his wife, Bridget, and has four adult children.