Martin Heinrich

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Last updated August 28th, 2024 1:05am GMT.

Important Dates

Voter Registration Deadline October 8, 2024
Early In-Person Voting at Clerk’s Office October 8, 2024 – November 2, 2024
Early In-Person Voting at Alternate Locations October 19, 2024 – November 2, 2024
Absentee Voting by Mail October 8, 2024
AB Request Deadline October 22, 2024
AB Deadline Return 7PM, November 5, 2024
AB Deadline Return via USPS 7PM, November 5, 2024


New Mexico voters need to know that Martin Heinrich isn’t delivering for New Mexico. After 20 years in office,  Heinrich has failed to deliver and, on his watch, New Mexico has remained the worst state for education, with some of the highest crime and one of the weakest economies in the country. Heinrich’s extreme liberal policies hurt New Mexicans. Enough is enough. New Mexicans deserve better. It’s time for change. (Learn More)


Martin Heinrich says he is fighting for New Mexicans, but they should know that in D.C., Heinrich consistently puts powerful special interests first and supports extreme liberal policies that are out of touch with New Mexico. In fact, Heinrich was “proud” to vote for a radical anti-energy bill that could eliminate over 11,000 New Mexican jobs and raise the price of gas and electricity. (Learn More)


New Mexico loses hundreds of lives each year to Chinese made fentanyl flooding across our open border – voters need to know that Martin Heinrich’s extreme liberal record is to blame. Heinrich voted against $800 million to crack down on illegal fentanyl smuggling across the southern border, leaving New Mexicans to suffer the consequences. Heinrich is too dangerous for New Mexico. (Learn More)


New Mexicans should know that in D.C., Martin Heinrich regularly puts his corporate donors first and supports extreme liberal policies that put our jobs at risk, increase costs, and waste our taxpayer dollars. Despite promising to stand up to China, Heinrich spearheaded an effort to repeal tariffs on Chinese manufacturers, putting our manufacturing jobs at risk, and voted for a law that could allow Chinese companies to receive tax credits paid for by American taxpayers. Martin Heinrich cannot be trusted to fight for New Mexico. (Learn More)

Hit #1: Media coverage of homicide spike in Albuquerque


Hit #1: New Mexico has the highest violent crime rate in 2022


Hit #1: New Mexico's "revolving door" of crime


Hit #1: New Mexico rated the worst state for child well-being


Hit #2: Martin Heinrich pledges a complete transition away from fossil fuels


Hit #2: Martin Heinrich wants to "squeeze carbon out of our entire economy."


Hit #2: Martin Heinrich “urging” Congress to support cap-and-trade


Hit #3: Bernalillo County ranked in Top Ten for Drug Overdose deaths


Hit #3: DEA seized more than 2.3 million fentanyl pills in New Mexico in 2022


Hit #4: Martin Heinrich was "excited" by Biden lifting solar tariffs on China


Hit #4: Martin Heinrich ran on not shipping jobs to China in 2010


Hit #4: Martin Heinrich "worked really hard to write and pass" the bill giving tax credits to CHinese companies


Nella Domenici

Footage of Nella

New Mexico is Nella Domenici’s home. Nella was born in Albuquerque and lived for most of her childhood in a home near the intersection of Lomas and Monroe with her seven brothers, sisters, and parents – Pete and Nancy Domenici. She began her education at Our Lady of Fatima, where she learned the values she holds today. She is the devoted mother of two, step-mom of four, and the wife of a Navy Veteran. Her family’s roots run deep in New Mexico and it is here that she has always returned. She and her husband Pat enjoy their family home in New Mexico that they have owned for nearly twenty years.

Like her father and mother, Nella has been a warrior for those who most need an advocate: for women competing in academics or business, for families dealing with mental illness, and for those without access to quality healthcare. She has also been a champion of improving the education of our youth in underserved communities.

Nella understands the importance of hard work, like most New Mexicans. She waited tables to help pay for her undergraduate degree from Georgetown University. While holding down a full-time job, she paid her way through night school at Georgetown Law. She also paid for Harvard Business School, graduating as a Baker Scholar, top 5% of the class, while nine months pregnant.

Nella began her career at the bottom and worked her way up through the complex finance world, where she eventually served as CFO for one of the world’s largest, most successful investment firms. In her career, Nella has advised, invested in, grown, and led many companies, and served on public company boards. The industries she has worked in are vast and include areas such as healthcare, AI, food service, lodging, commercial real estate, mortgage lending, and consumer products. These companies have ranged from small family-owned businesses, to rapidly growing venture backed enterprises, to a Fortune 200 company. Several of these have been headquartered in New Mexico. Collectively, the companies Nella has been heavily involved with have employed thousands of Americans.

Nella is uniquely prepared and qualified to fight for a significantly improved New Mexican economy. Her professional experience and education enables her to deeply understand taxation, inflation, setting and managing huge budgets and creating incentives and benefits that serve employees, and attract new businesses and entrepreneurs.